CIPD Assignment Help Desk

Wellbeing at Work Explained

Wellbeing at work is the modern buzzword in the HR jargon. Most global HR leaders about 70% of surveyed senior leaders in HR are prioritizing employee wellbeing and mental health to develop workplace resilience. As more and more companies embrace remote working, the line between work and life is blurred. Therefore, organizations need to enhance … Read more

Referencing and Citing Sources in CIPD Assignments

Unlike conventional academic papers that are laden with references and citations, CIPD assignments should use reference and citations in important theories, models and people practice research that support evidence based practices in your writing. Before you pen the homework, ensure you’re conversant with the citation rules. For every argument you put across, proper referencing and … Read more

Tips to Pass CIPD Assignment

They may not call your name at a Pulitzer gala, but learning how to write CIPD assignments with us will put all your classwork to good use. We also warrant you a premium score. Think of a CIPD project as a way to practice flowery theories and ideal concepts in solving real-world HR problems. If … Read more

Latest Trends in People Practices in UAE

As you nibble on a shawarma in a 7-star resort inside the rich man’s playground, you may have noticed the staff are of different ethnicities. It is the norm here in the UAE. In this article, we’ll explore the latest trends in HR practices in UAE. Join me as we examine the exceptional mash of … Read more