CIPD Assignment Help Desk

Terms and Conditions

1.1: This agreement constitutes a binding contract for the provision of assignment help services.

1.2: These terms and conditions shall take effect on the first day the client makes their first order (The Commencement Date) and shall remain active unless either party terminates it with at least a week’s notice.

1.3: By using the website or any of its services, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

1.4: Parties and Definitions

1.4.1: “The company”, “The Website”, or “Us” means CIPD Assignment Help Desk.

1.4.2: “The expert” is the writer/ researcher, proofreader, editor, or consultant professional engaged by the company to provide services.

1.4.3: “Order”, “Project” or “Work” – Any assignment which the client requests over our dashboard.

2.0 User Responsibilities

2.1: Providing accurate and the most recent information, and complying with applicable laws. CIPD Assignment Help Desk reserves the right to remove a client from their active list if they fail to provide necessary updates to their personal information.

2.2: The client shall access their account with an individual username and password. Communication shall be via email, and it will be the responsibility of the user to regularly check their email inboxes.

2.3: The company is obliged to meet the writing and editing standards set out in the order. The client shall populate all project requirements and instructions at the ordering stage. Revisions arising from user failure to include assignment details while making the order shall attract extra fees.

3.0: Service Description

3.1: The expert shall follow the company’s quality assurance standards.

3.2: All assignments submitted to the client shall adhere to the following requirements:

3.2.1: Excellent use of research methods and resources.

3.2.2: Clarity of arguments and structure, unique presentation of facts, and excellent formatting.

3.2.3: Grade B (or 60+ marks) level of academic quality for academic research articles (the grade is used as a guideline to give the writer a notion of the level of research sought)

3.2.4: Original and plagiarism-free content in compliance with citation requirements of the order.

4.0: Payment and Refund

4.1: Our charges start from as little as £15 per page, but the fees may vary depending on assignment specifics and the service level requested.

4.2: All payments will take place via bank transfer, PayPal, and any other secured means that the company sets out from time to time. Payments shall be made upfront, and the order shall be activated upon payment regardless of the date the assignment details were uploaded.

4.3: The expert fee for each assignment ordered will be specified in the order description. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, the company or its agents shall not solicit any undisclosed charges and/ or penalties from the client.

4.4: Refunds, whether full or partial, shall be done under the following conditions:

4.4.1: If the client cancels an order within the first six hours after placement.

4.4.2: If, after revision (See Revision Policy), the project does not meet client expectations, academic integrity standards, OR fails to attain a Grade B and above after the school’s assignment grading.

4.4.3: If the expert fails to meet the submission deadline, and grossly inconveniences the client’s study program or negatively affects their subsequent graduation schedule.

4.4.4: Any other condition that warrants such full or partial refund after deliberations between the parties.

5.0: Dispute Resolution

5.1: The company will employ all necessary and amicable dispute resolution procedures including arbitration and mediation.

 6.0: Changes to Terms

6.1: CIPD Assignment Help Desk reserves the right to update, modify, delete, or change the terms and conditions. Users will be notified of such changes through email, other conventional notification means, and through constant updates of these terms and conditions on the website.

Non Refundable Policy for Urgent Orders

CIPD Assignment Help Deask UAE is committed to availing resources necessary to provide exceptional services to students looking for urgent and expedited writing services. To facilitate the processing of urgent orders expeditiously we have instituted this non-refundable policy for urgent orders

  • According to our terms and conditions, urgent orders require accelerated processing and special attention to meet deadlines of less 24 hours.  
  •  Any order classified or deemed as urgent is non-refundable, therefore payment made for such order cannot be refunded under any circumstance including order cancellation of dissatisfaction with the final paper.