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Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a CIPD Professional Development Report

Want to write a reflective, forward-looking document explaining your professional growth and adherence to ethical HR principles and people development? Look no further, for we’ve finally landed on a comprehensive step-by-step guide to writing a CIPD professional development report (PDR)! I’ll show CIPD students how to continuously demonstrate commitment in talent management or professional advancements … Read more

How Does Leadership Style and Encouraging Debate Affect Formal Conflict?

A leadership style that doesn’t accommodate contrary opinions, however good, is a leading cause of workplace hostility. According to Daniel Goleman, “being a great leader means recognizing that different circumstances may call for different approaches.” Wise team leaders debate personal agendas, goals, and insights with the group and strike a balance to avoid formal conflicts. … Read more

Evaluate the Principles of Reward and its Importance to Organizational Culture and Performance Management

A rewards system documents an individual or a team’s efficiencies, helping to motivate exemplary employee performance using a standard procedure. Every workplace has a unique, institutionalized motivation culture depending on many factors such as size. If HR follows the principles evaluated below while making reward policy decisions, it becomes easy to monitor employee performance. A … Read more

Distinguish Between Official and Unofficial Action

According to ILO statutes, an industrial action includes complaints filed in a labor industrial court for redress of retaliatory / discriminatory acts. Some actions legally question an administrative procedure, and employers may initiate them. To distinguish between official and unofficial action, you’ll need to evaluate the preceding formal and legal procedures. Unresolved workplace conflicts always … Read more

Differentiate Between Organizational Conflict and Misbehavior

Many people professionals find it hard to differentiate between organizational conflict and misbehavior. However, from the definition, the differences will start to emerge. A crucial element in the two definitions below is the intention underlying the said misbehavior. Definitions According to Y Ronquillo et al. (2023), workplace conflict is an internal disagreement among colleague workers, … Read more

Emerging Trends in the Types of Conflict and Industrial Sanctions

Globally, emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions costs companies an estimated $500+ billions in annual revenue. A workplace conflict is a dispute amongst the workers, OR between employees and their employer. These may arise from clashing personal interests, poor working conditions / policies, change, pays & benefits, or collective employment laws. … Read more

Assess the Contribution of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards to Employee Contribution and Sustained Organizational Performance

Organizations that recognize an employee’s contribution and incentivize worker performance will maintain an ever-growing workplace productivity curve. The term ‘reward’ means everything a worker receives from their employer after work. There are two types of employee rewards: 1.    Intrinsic Rewards Intrinsic rewards include all the psychological benefits an employee gets out of achieving an impactful … Read more

Develop Organizational Reward Packages and Approaches Based on Insight

Developing an organization’s reward package needs strategic approaches based on key internal drivers and external labor market insights. These key indicators signal that a company needs to implement a rewards system: When formulating a rewards system, consider the following external factors: Developing a Rewards System The answers to the questions below help HR to highlight … Read more

Explain How Policy Initiatives and Practices are Implemented

A policy initiative refers to the strategic actions taken by organizations to drive performance in different sectors. Businesses need HR policies that guide their rewards system if they are to improve employee productivity. It is best if you involve employees in the design and implementation stages of a rewards program. This participation makes the final … Read more

Explain the Legislative Requirements that Impact Reward Practice (A.C 2.4)

Government legislation greatly influences an organization’s reward system. Such regulations regularize and govern how much and how often a company can give or introduce employees to rewards respectively. In the UK, for example, companies must strictly adhere to the National Minimum Wage Act (1998), the Equality Act (2010) and the Working Time Regulations of 1998 … Read more