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How to Write Business Research in People Practice

It isn’t hard learning how to write business research in people practice. After reading this article, HR professionals who’re hungry to increase sales and profits will find an easy time. You’ll help the C-Suite suits to identify commercial opportunities and to make evidence-based product/ service decisions.

If you want to grab a significant market share from competitors, please read on. A successful business research project in the fiscal year is a sure winner during annual appraisals!

The 3-Phase Approach to Successful Business Research

Both qualitative and quantitative business research designs in people practice strictly trail the following three phases:

➔     Phase One: Planning the Research

This is the first step. It involves identifying a conspicuous HR problem or a unique business opportunity. Research planning also covers sample selection, picking the methodology, and formulating study procedures.

Clear event timelines are an important part of planning.

➔     Phase Two: The Execution

Here, you’ll carry out literature review. Immediately after that, you start collecting the business research data for later analysis.

You can use AI-enhanced tools for information gathering and analysis.

In short, execute the plan in Phase One.

➔     Phase Three: Report Preparation and Writing.

During this phase, it’s advisable to first write a draft report. Use the data in (2) above to further polish your work. When you can’t edit the copy to make it any better, it’s time for the grand presentation!

Is People Practice Research Significant in Today’s Marketplace?

The most effective way to understand customers and competitors is through thorough people practice studies. Your organization will gain insightful demand trends in the contemporary market. Using the results of such research, companies can plan future supply strategies to remain relevant in their niche.

Here below, I’ve discussed 5 reasons why every company should invest in quality people practice business research.

5 Undisputed Functions of HR Research

Benefit #1: Research reduces business costs by creating customer-centric products and solutions. A company can tackle a specific market problem using a unique style grounded in solid evidence. In return, the organization grows its revenue and market share.

Benefit #2: HR professionals can easily identify market opportunities and threats. Conducting business research in advance significantly minimizes risks and uncertainties. You know where, when, and how much to invest way before the red signals flash.

Benefit #3: Track your business sector rivals with ease. Make appropriate innovations and stay ahead of the competition! Using research evidence, a company will launch a product for a ripe audience, leaving their “enemies” in awe.

Benefit #4: There’s no better way to understand or to enhance customer communication than using business research. It’s also a superb way to measure brand value and stakeholder acceptance levels. Every worthwhile executive should prioritize this!

Benefit #5:  In-house business research helps in choosing the ideal candidate for a position in the institution. Senior executives know when to train, upskill, or mentor their staff after measuring reputation management through research. This builds an effective workforce.

The Best Way to Write Business Research in People Practice

From the onset, let me say this: the number and sequence of steps in writing a business research varies according to the demands of an individual project.

Most studies in people practice that I’ve helped to write, however, follow the roadmap below.

A Roadmap to Writing Your HR Research Paper

How you write a business research paper in people practice is as important as the final report’s recommendations.

The upcoming continuum of seven proven steps will shift you from concept to a concrete, revolutionary project paper effortlessly.

Step #1: Identify the Problem

What do you want to offer a solution to? Is it a trade opportunity, or is there an imminent risk in the future of your sector?

Every study is driven by a strong urge to offer an evidence-based, plausible solution to a real problem. Many business research projects under people practice tackle problems such as:

  • Challenges in client relations, customer communication, and overall stakeholder management.
  • Upscaling a company’s reputation and brand value.
  • Workforce recruitment, the role of AI in people practice, and upskilling/ workplace ergonomics to align with industry trends.
  • Tracking HR demand and supply needs to reduce business success threats and risks.

Step #2: Develop a Research Question

After careful consideration of the HR problem, narrow down your options to a specific topic. With the target audience and probable solution(s) in mind, develop a comprehensive research question.

I advise people professionals to opt for a research question that objectively responds to the individual project’s aims and objectives.

Step #3: Evaluate the Literature

Sheaf through the company policy. It’ll give you extensive understanding of the chosen research question and hint at intensive content you should focus on. Read the company’s ethics memorandum, too!

You may also look at what your peers have done in the past. Online catalogs are full of such relevant literature for your review. Only indulge in a business research project AFTER a keen understanding of topical content and context.

Step #4: Create a Solid Thesis Statement

The easiest way to create the strongest thesis statement is brainstorming ideas with senior people professionals. Knead the wisdom of departmental heads, for example, to make the perfect hypotheses for a business research project under the topic Reputation and Brand Value Management.

Do you want to weave an unrivaled thesis statement for an upcoming people practice research project? Then make the company’s goals, vision and mission statements your perpetual compass!

Step #5: Outline Your Paper

Visualize the whole research project first, then order each of the sections into a flowing, chronological outline. Assign each segment of the research ample time and set realistic objectives.

Conventional research papers have 5 distinct parts, namely:

  • The introduction ( includes the research topic, thesis statement, aims and objectives, and a definition of technical terms).
  • An executive summary/ abstract that carries the literature review and necessary background information about the topic.
  • A concise approach, also called the methodology or research design. Here, you’ll describe the population and the various means of data collection.
  • Data analysis comes next. The findings show your audience what you uncovered with the study, method(s) of analyzing responses, and the implications of such data to people practice.
  • Wrap things up with a conclusion containing justifiable recommendations.

Step #6: Begin the Actual Research.

It’s time you start asking your subjects the questions you’d prepared for them!

The best way to collect data is cautiously proceeding from the familiar, cursory questions to intentional, in-depth interrogatives. This way, you’ll wholesomely answer the business research question without losing the quality of participants’ feedback.

Step #7: Write the Report and Revise

We are experts at this! Our proofreaders and line editors leave your research paper gleaming with only the most relevant words, organized in spotless grammar.

We make initial rough drafts, then ruthlessly edit and revise. Our team of writers and consultant practicing professionals will pack your business research paper with trending facts, informed opinions, and the most acceptable project norms.

Very Important!

Cite sources and format your research paper properly. Refer to our golden research writing guidelines. Write in formal language. Include a bibliography (and preferably a glossary of technical terms), use scholarly stylistic devices, and communicate succinctly!

Don’t Burden Yourself, Leave Things to Experts!

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